Online Reputation Management Blog

Online Reputation Management for Teachers

reputation-management-for-teachersBullying was taken to a whole other level last summer with the case of school bus aide Karen Klein, who was verbally assaulted by a group of boys.  Not only was she brought down in front of a bus full of kids, but her tormentors videotaped her reaction and posted it online, and it quickly went viral. This phenomenon has its own buzzword: cyberbaiting, defined as students baiting their teachers, filming the embarrassing/upsetting footage, and posting it to social media sites.  According to a Norton Online Family Report study from 2011, one in five teachers has either personally experienced cyberbaiting or cyberbullying knows someone who has.

North Carolina is the first state to respond to the issue by creating a law to criminalize the bullying of teachers.  Students can face misdemeanor charges, fines and/or probation if convicted of tormenting or intimidating a teacher online.  Some argue that the law could infringe on the students’ free speech, but teachers in North Carolina support it, stating that they felt a need for reputation management, both online and in the real world.

The Norton Online Family Report found that although 67 percent of teachers acknowledge that interacting with their students via social media is risky, 34 percent of them continue to do so. Additionally, only 51 percent of teachers said that a social media code of conduct exists at their school, while 80 percent of teachers and 70 percent of parents wish for more online safety instruction in the schools.

What are some best practices for search engine reputation management?  Below are some tips on how to appropriately use social media to protect yourself and your students.

1.  Secure your private life. It’s okay to have your own private social media pages, like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Pinterest.  But be sure that your security settings are set at the highest levels. This will allow you to talk and post photos of your personal life without letting nosy students in on the details (and you know they’ll be searching for it).

2.  Use social media wisely.  Many teachers argue that social media is a great way to connect with students, particularly high school students.  Public Twitter or Facebook pages dedicated to your class can help foster relationships and discussions on the course material during off hours.  The key here is transparency: ensure that the page is set so that only your students are interacting with each other, while allowing parents and administrators to view and monitor the conversations.  With allegations of student-teacher misconduct an issue all over the country, discretion and good judgment by teachers are more important than ever.

3.  Don’t gossip.  Even if your Facebook page is 100% private, err on the side of caution and refrain from posting about your students’ classroom behavior, inappropriate dress or incomprehensible essays.  Comments can be copied and reposted or forwarded and create serious problems to classroom morale.

4.  Don’t handle any defamation issues by yourself.  If you do find yourself in a situation where you are being bullied or defamed online, don’t attempt to handle it yourself. Involve your school district and union as soon as possible and document every action.

5.  Hire an online reputation management company.  An online reputation management firm, like Reputation Rhino, can assist you in privatizing your social media accounts and bury negative or embarrassing information about you online.

Online Reputation Management for Schools

reputation-management-for-schoolsAll across the country, stories of inappropriate relationships between teachers and students are becoming headline news and inevitably the principal, administration, school board and school district are dragged into a bizarre media circus.  The incident becomes a public spectacle tarnishing the reputation of dozens of well-intentioned educators and their colleagues.  A thoughtful reputation management strategy can help faculty and school administrators better manage the situation.

Sometimes, these inappropriate relationships begin with the student and teacher exchanging text or Facebook messages outside of school. During the 2010-2011 school year in Texas, 111 cases of sexual misconduct and 152 cases of inappropriate relationships were documented between teachers and students.  Texas officials are blaming social media and texting for enabling these inappropriate relationships and angry parents are blaming the school and its teachers.

Online interaction between teachers and students are not inherently bad and in most cases are constructive and support a school’s educational goals. We cannot allow the misuse of technology to lead to its abolition.

However, it’s important to clearly outline some basic guidelines to protect schools and faculty and help prevent inappropriate situations from destroying a school’s reputation.

1.  Implement rules on social media for staff. Working together with your staff and their union representatives, collaborate on ways to place policies on personal and work-related social media use. Districts that enacted these types of policies generally prohibit teachers and students from becoming friends on Facebook or followers on Twitter. Additionally, teachers and students are prohibited from sharing personal contact information, like cell phone numbers, in order to avoid texting between the two parties. One exception to this rule tends to be for athletic coaches who, with permission from the child’s parents, are allowed to text their student athletes regarding practice times.

2.  Use social media wisely.  Consider starting a Facebook page or Twitter feed to communicate with parents; this could be especially useful during school closings, as a reminder about events, and as a way to field questions and concerns. When it comes to interfacing with students via social media, stick to Blackboard or similar sites, as it projects a high level of professionalism and lets students know that this is still “school property.”

3.  Create expectations for your students about social media.  Let your students know that they are responsible for their actions online. This is essential for social media reputation management. Create a student agreement policy to teach your students about appropriate social media usage.

4.  Use social media reactively.  Have written plans in place to be reactive when something negative hits the news, and use social media as a part of your crisis communication plan.  Make sure teachers and other staff are aware of how to respond or if they should respond to any communications crisis.  Adapt your school’s Facebook, Twitter and website to issue public statements and assign communications specialists to respond to difficult questions and comments.

5.  Hire the best online reputation management company.  Retaining an online reputation management firm as an extension of your PR or communications team will help your school district add an extra layer of protection in the digital age.  An online reputation management company, like Reputation Rhino, can quickly implement an online public relations strategy that can counter negative press or blog articles maligning a school during a difficult time.

Online Reputation Management for Restaurants

reputation-management-for-restaurantsThe Taco Bell beef scandal will probably go down in history as a great example of how to use social media to repair your reputation in the face of negative press.  Based on a former employee’s claims, Taco Bell came under fire for stating that its meat is “seasoned beef” when it contains oat products as a part of its seasoning. The issue is that oat products are filler, not seasoning, which lowers the classification of the beef. Taco Bell’s reputation defenders, in the best tradition of modern crisis communications, dedicating its website to the controversy and taking to Twitter with a mixture of serious tweets (from the CEO) and  links to humorous news about the scandal (like video from the Colbert Report, which was referring to the controversy as “tacogate”).  Staying consistent with their fun image, yet seriously addressing the problem, gave Taco Bell an advantage when communicating with its core customers.

You don’t need to have the marketing budget of Taco Bell to succeed in improving your restaurant’s online reputation.  Below are some reputation management tips for restaurant owners:

1.  Monitor online customer reviews.  Websites like Yelp, Urbanspoon and Google+ for business let customers discuss their dining experience at your restaurant.  As these user-feedback type websites gain popularity and exposure from Google and other leading search engines, restaurants around the country are paying attention to online reputation management.

However, a recent study by The NPD Group found that online reviews and recommendations do not drive a ton of business to restaurants.  The survey found that only 14 percent of diners’ destination decisions were influenced by online reviews.  This is good news for restaurant owners who have received negative reviews online since it may not have a huge impact on their business.  Regardless of the statistics, restaurant owners can’t ignore online reviews and no business owner is willing to give up on 14 percent of potential customers.

2.  Use social media to connect with diners.  While The NPD Group’s study found that diners aren’t as likely to choose a restaurant based on online reviews, they did find that diners are highly motivated by deals and special offers.  More than one-third of dining decisions were based on what deals and specials the restaurant was offering.  Use Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and other social media sites to communicate your daily specials to your existing and potential customers.  Offer exclusive deals to Facebook users and encourage feedback on review sites.

3.  Share your secrets and your specials.  Start a blog to share some insider tips to engage your customers.  Post recipes, hold contests and offer prizes to drive traffic to your restaurant and connect to your best customers.

4.  Hire an internet reputation management company.  Leave online reputation management to the experts so you can focus on running your restaurant.  A highly rated online reputation management firm will help you achieve positive search results, while diminishing the visibility and impact of negative reviews.  While you can’t delete negative reviews, you can fight back with a strong, positive online public relations campaign.  An online reputation management company, like Reputation Rhino, can help you grow your business by making sure your customers see your restaurant at its very best.

How to Remove a Complaint

Business Reputation ManagementWhen someone has a bad experience with your company, service or product, you expect that they will tell as many people as possible. It’s human nature and a fact of life for reputation management companies who are called upon to help a business deal with a public relations crisis.  Stories of on-time delivery, friendly customer service or accurate billing does not make for interesting conversation in “real-life” or online.

However, on the Internet, people can hide behind their anonymity and embellish on their negative experience, or even invent a bad experience. Read on to find out what should you do if someone is posting a negative review on a popular website like about your company.

How does work?

One of the main differences between and other review sites is that aims to engage the businesses in a dialogue with the complainant. Their hope is that the complaints, which score high in Google rankings, will be heard by the company. They encourage posters to describe their experience and close with what they hope to achieve through posting their complaint.

How can I remove or amend a complaint?

Posts can only be removed by the original poster, working with’s administrative team. does not alter or remove the posts by themselves.

How can I reply to a complaint? encourages business to engage in the conversation. There is a form to fill out, which allows the business to address the complaints of the original poster.

Before engaging with anyone on, it’s important to engage the original poster by specifically addressing their issue and coming up with a solution to change it.

The best course of action is to consult with an online reputation management company before engaging with any member on In addition to utilizing search engine optimization techniques to elevate positive things people are saying about you or your company online and suppressing negative content, a reputation management firm can help you craft an appropriate response to a site like