Online Reputation Management Blog

Reputation Management Strategies That Work

After the self-inflicted public relations disaster and tabloid frenzy that eviscerated Anthony Weiner’s once promising political career earlier this summer, it's appropriate to reflect on a few online reputation management lessons from this PR nightmare and some steps that can be taken to avoid another media meltdown.


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Personal Branding in the Age of Google

Where’s the first place you go if you want to research a potential new employee?  Or a college applicant?  Or a first date?  Or a new business partner?  Chances are your first thought is Google.  You’re in good company, along with the approximately one billion unique visitors who use Google every month.  Scary, huh?  It doesn’t have to be. You need to think of yourself as a brand.  Like Coca Cola, Proctor & Gamble, Walmart and other iconic American companies, in the 21st century you need to think like a CEO to manage your personal brand.


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How to Master Brand Management Online


Welcome to the world wide wild west of brand management.  Between Facebook, Twitter, Google+, foursquare, YouTube, and your company’s website – and I’m just getting started – clients and customers have dozens and sometimes hundreds of ways to find out information about you and tell you (and the rest of the world) what they think.  How in the world do you tie it all together?


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Law School Admissions Officers are Looking Closely at Facebook and Google


If you are applying to law school, you don’t just have to pass the LSAT, you have to pass Google, too.  According to a recent study by Kaplan Test Prep of admissions officers at the top law schools, business schools and colleges across the U.S., 41% of law school admissions officers have "Googled" an applicant, while 37% have checked out an applicant’s profile on Facebook or another social networking site. In contrast, according to the same study, 20% of college admissions officers and 27% of business school admissions officers have "Googled" applicants. 


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