Online Reputation Management Blog

Does Rush Limbaugh Have a Reputation Management Problem?

When Don Imus is giving you advice on how to talk about women on the radio, you might have a reputation management problem.  Welcome to the not-so-wonderful week for conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh.  To quickly recap for aliens who may be reading this blog several thousand years from now (and anyone who may have just woken from a coma), Sandra Fluke, a student at Georgetown University Law Center, testified before Congress in February to protest limiting access to birth control paid for by private insurance plans, even those provided by religious institutions.

Last Wednesday, nationally syndicated radio personality, Rush Limbaugh, called Fluke a “slut” and a “prostitute” — his, ahem, subtle way of illustrating the absurdity of criticizing a Jesuit school for refusing to pay for contraception for its students.

The outcry was fierce across all sides of the political spectrum.  Even Obama took time out of his busy Friday to call Fluke and express his support for her advocacy for women.  On a good day, Rush is one of the most polarizing figures in America.  And last Wednesday was not a good day.  The rest of the week has not been much better, either.

On Saturday, Rush Limbaugh issued an apology, but his feeble attempt to explain why he crudely singled out Ms. Sandra Fluke further enraged his critics on the left.

Earlier today, Limbaugh went on air to try (again) to explain why he apologized to Sandra Fluke but this controversy is still the leading news story in America.

In the internet age, it’s sometimes easy to forget about the power of radio.  The Washington Post estimates that up to 25 million people listen to Rush Limbaugh every week!

Liberal groups are mobilizing against advertisers that support The Rush Limbaugh Show and and boycott Rush campaigns are trending on Twitter and Facebook.  As pressure mounts on the 600 radio stations that carry his show every day, it will be interesting to see whether Rush Limbaugh will be able to recover from the fallout over his recent comments.

Editior’s Note:  Reputation Rhino advertises on WABC Radio.  The company is not, nor has it ever been, a sponsor on The Rush Limbaugh Show.

How to Remove a Complaint from

The Internet can be a rough neighborhood sometimes.  If someone has a negative experience with your company, product or service, they can hide behind the anonymity of the Internet to try and smear your company’s name and ruin your online reputation.  There are dozens of Web sites that allow individuals or rival competitors to post complaints about your business.  One of the most popular online complaint sites is

How does work? is set up like a basic message board system, where users can register for free and post about companies, products and services that they believe are “scams”. touts the site as a place where “people can debate the merits from the consumer’s or business owner’s perspective.”  User interaction is encouraged, and users will often piggy-back on an original post to discuss their own experiences, either positive or negative, with the business in question.

How can I remove or amend a complaint on notes that they do not take any responsibility for the claims made by their members, and that the entities being discussed on the site may not necessarily be scammers.  There is no formal process on to remove or amend a complaint.

Websites like enjoy broad First Amendment protections that shield the site from liability for hosting defamatory messages or posts about your business or product.  Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act provides that “[no] provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider,” and that “[n]o cause of action may be brought and no liability may be imposed under any State or local law that is inconsistent with this section.”

How can I reply to a complaint on

Anyone can reply to a complaint on  All that you need to do is register for free on the site and respond to the original post.  The most important thing to remember before replying to a defamatory post on is to think twice before typing and send a response.  It may be satisfying to tell someone how wrong they are about your company or product, but if you come off too harsh it can backfire on you.

The best course of action is usually to consult with an online reputation management firm.  In addition to utilizing search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to promote the positive things people are saying about you or your company online, a reputation management company can help you craft an effective response to negative feedback on

Apple Scores Highest on Corporate Reputation Survey

With a stock price over $500 and a market capitalization that CNN Money recently reported is worth more than the countries Greece, Austria, Argentina, and South Africa, the Cupertino, California technology juggernaut is now officially the Apple of most everyone’s eye — except for maybe Google. Apple achieved the highest score ever in the 2012 Harris Interactive annual Reputation Quotient (RQ) survey of more than 17,000 American consumers, pushing Google off the top spot in this year’s survey (Google is now #2).

Respondents are first asked to identify the 60 most visible companies and then surveyed to rate these companies based on their reputation on 20 different attributes that comprise the RQ. The attributes are then grouped into six different reputation dimensions: Emotional Appeal, Products & Services, Social Responsibility, Vision & Leadership, Workplace Environment, and Financial Performance. An executive summary of the study is available here.

Coca-Cola, and Kraft round out the top five.  Reputation management efforts at Toyota, General Motors and BP are paying off — each saw significant increases in their corporate reputation this year.  Wall Street, however, is going in the other direction. Financial services firms like Bank of America are facing a crisis of public perception on issues like trust, ethics and customer service.

How to Remove a Complaint from

People often take advantage of the anonymity of the Internet to complain about negative experiences with a company’s product or service.  It has spawned a cottage industry of complaint sites like  What should you do if someone is posting false or negative information about your company on

How does work? does not require users to register or log-in, although that option is available, and users have the ability to reply to posts. does require users to adhere to their online conduct, which states that users will not post anything inaccurate, abusive, etc. about an entity.

Can I remove or amend a complaint from

Posts can be removed from, but only with a court order or if the original poster claims that they posted false information.  A contact form is in place for companies to contact the Web site if they believe a post is inaccurate or outdated.

Should I reply to a complaint on

Anyone can reply to a complaint or post on  The site even has guidelines for companies who choose to engage with the posters.  The company can include their contact information so that concerned visitors can contact them directly.

Before engaging with anyone on, it’s important to write with a level-head. It can be satisfying to tell someone how wrong they are about your company or product, but if you come off too aggressive, it can generate even more complaints or aggravate a vindictive poster.

The best course of action is to consult with an online reputation management company before engaging with any member on  In addition to utilizing search engine optimization techniques to elevate positive things people are saying about you or your company online and suppressing negative content, a reputation management firm can help you craft an appropriate response a site like