Online Reputation Management Blog

Interview with Crisis Communications Expert Deborah Fiorito

Deborah Fiorito, President of 20K Group in Houston, Texas is the latest crisis communications expert to join us at the Online Reputation Management blog.  Debbie was executive vice president and chief communications officer of Dynegy, Inc., and before that, she was senior vice president, Public Affairs, Chase Bank of Texas (now JPMorgan Chase). In addition, she has held senior-level communications positions at Apache Corporation and Mitchell Energy & Development Corp. (now Devon Energy).

What is crisis communications?

Communicating reactively immediately after, or in the hours or days, following an incident that threatens your organization’s reputation or ability to operate. I would draw the line between when that communications is “reactive” and strategic—that is, when the outbound communications becomes part of an overall plan to influence customer or stakeholder thought and/or behavior about the organization or company.

What are the biggest mistakes you see people and companies make when dealing with the media?

Do we have 400 pages here? The list of mistakes I’ve made, my firm has made and that ALL organizational communicators make is endless, mostly because the risks associated with making choices about how, when and what to communicate are so high during the stressful, chaotic hours following an incident. [Read more…]

Interview with Crisis Communications Expert Mark Lambert

I’m excited to invite Mark Lambert to join us for an exclusive interview on our Online Reputation Management blog.  Mark is president of Lambert Media, a communications consulting firm based in Louisiana. Mark has nearly three decades of communications experience, including several years as a reporter, editor and news executive in the print and broadcast fields and as the communications director of a large Louisiana state agency during Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Ike and Gustav.

What is crisis communications?

Crisis communications is the process of making people aware of your point of view and persuading them to accept it in the midst of circumstances that are harmful or have the potential to be harmful to your reputation.

What are the biggest mistakes you see people and companies make when dealing with the media?

There are many mistakes people make, but most of them boil down to a lack of respect for the people with whom they should be communicating. This manifests itself in several ways, including:

  • a terse “no comment”
  • a prepared, distributed statement full of “lawyer language,” i.e., a bunch of hedging and passive-voice phrases that serve no purpose but to give the client wiggle room.
  • lying
  • half-hearted attempts or no attempt to show sympathy for victims
  • hiding from the media or not making key executives available
  • finger-pointing, blame shifting or transparent attempts to downplay present or future damage

How important is social media to your reputation management strategy?

I find that my clients are interested in social media more as an ongoing marketing tool than as a key communications strategy tool. However, more people are starting to understand the power of social media, and as it becomes more evident to key executives and administrators that social media can be a powerful and versatile tool, they become more willing to allow it to be a part of their strategy. The issue often is that top executives tend to be older and not as adept to social media as are the middle managers. I find that I have to persuasively pull some of my clients into social media.

What is the first thing a company should do when there is a PR disaster?

Ha! In my media relations seminar, I tell people the first thing they should do when there’s a crisis is to lock the lawyers out of the room. Many CEOs, executives, administrators, etc., are so focused on some inevitable looming court battle years down the road that they fail to see the problem in front of them. They lawyer up and inevitably make the situation worse.

The first thing a company should do is to stop acting like a corporation and Be Human. Demonstrate sympathy and caring for any victims. Get the facts, identify who your stakeholders are and communicate to those stakeholders in an appropriate manner. It is important to have a crisis communications plan, but it’s more important to be flexible to changing events. Too many crisis communications plans are so detailed and rigid that they fail to take into consideration that a crisis is a dynamic event.

How can CEOs help build and repair corporate reputation?

They have to have a vision of what their company is, and they have to share that vision with their employees, customers, vendors, etc. If the CEO says his company wants to be involved in the community in a positive way, how can he show it? Does he give his employees paid time to volunteer in schools, work at a food bank or at an animal shelter? Does he encourage customers to do the same through company-sponsored programs? You can fake a reputation for awhile, but if it’s just a stunt, you will be busted. Be real, and walk the talk.

What can employees do to help their company during and after a PR crisis?

This may sound harsh, but I believe the best thing employees can do is to hold their company’s leadership accountable for doing the things the leadership says it is going to do.

What can companies do to better prepare for a public relations crisis?

A crisis communications plan is a must. A good plan should:

  • detail the various stakeholders and message vehicles
  • lay out a simple org chart with duties relative to the crisis so employees know what to do and what is expected of them
  • identify spokespersons and guidelines
  • identify a specific communications vehicle (newsletter, intranet, e-mail) for employees

Many plans overlook the importance of communicating internally in a crisis. You have to let your own people know what is going on, and you should give them a channel of communications that is separate from the general communications vehicle.

Interview with Crisis Communications Expert Rob Hayes

We are excited to to invite Rob Hayes, founder and President of Compass Communications LLC, to share his thoughts on our Online Reputation Management blog.  Rob managed communications for Florida’s agency that coordinated response to and recovery from the devastating 2004 hurricane season and headed external communications related to state employees for the Office of Governor Pataki during the response and recovery following the attacks of 9-11 and the anthrax attacks in New York State.

What is crisis communications?

It’s funny how we are always trying to fit everything into a definition or elevator speech.  To me crisis communications is the act of engaging your risk communications plan.  When injury or loss is imminent, occurring or recently occurred all communications are crisis communications.

What are the biggest mistakes you see people and companies make when dealing with the media?  

Not being credible in their statements whether it is in acknowledging their own role in the event, acknowledging the true impact on others or when discussing the future impact and how to deal with it.  In my time working for Governor Pataki, Governor Bush and while running my business, two of the biggest mistakes I’ve seen people make time and again are having the wrong person delivering the message and sharing the wrong information. [Read more…]

Surviving the BBC Scandal

The British Broadcasting Channel (BBC) has long been loyal to its great entertainers.  So many shows and personalities have emerged over the past 90 years, entertaining and informing not just the millions of people in Great Britain, but audiences all over the world.  However, allegations against Jimmy Savile have severely damaged the BBC’s reputation and created a communications crisis for the venerable broadcasting company.

Jimmy Savile, who died last year at 84, was the star of the 1960s and 1970s BBC shows, “Top of the Pops” and “Jim’ll Fix It.”  This entertainer was so dearly loved that when it was suggested that Savile might have been assaulted underage teenage girls, according to the Wall Street Journal, BBC chairman George Entwistle seemed to ignore the overwhelming evidence pointing to the entertainer’s guilt.  Instead of heeding these reports and airing an expose from his network’s own “Newsnight”, Entwistle instead shelved the reports and approved several holiday tributes of Savile on the BBC instead, according to news reports.

Entwistle’s refusal to run the expose was not taken lightly as reports of Savile’s alleged pedophilia spread throughout the world, and an expose about the entertainer aired on a rival network, ITV.   But that one incident is hardly enough to cause the resignation of the BBC’s top executive.  It took another botched news report right on the heels of the Savile issue to truly force the BBC top management to clean house.

“Newsnight– keen to salvage it’s truth in journalism reputation, subsequently decided to pursue a different investigation, reported the Wall Street Journal “… into sex abuse at a children’s home in Wales dating to the 1970s and 1980s…the program appeared to accuse 70-year-old Alistair McAlpine of committing sexual abuse and gave the former House of Lords member no opportunity to reply.”  Later, the Wall Street Journal reported that McAlpine issued a detailed denial and the alleged abuse victim said he had identified the wrong man to the BBC.

Entwistle announced his resignation a few weeks later and the BBC appointed a former journalist who runs the Royal Opera House, Tony Hall, according to the Montreal Gazette.

So what happened? In a few short weeks, the BBC spiraled into a drama suitable for one of its televised shows. Entwistle had only been on the job for 55 days when his tenure was brought to an abrupt end.

Two of the most senior figures at the BBC said Tuesday that there had been “elementary” failures of the organization’s journalism and “appalling editorial judgment” according to the New York Times. “The BBC tells the truth about itself, even when the truth is appalling,” chairman of the BBC trust, Chris Patten said in a New York Times article. The New York Times continues: “(Patten) contrasted the broadcaster’s readiness to clean its stables with what he said had been an opaque and truculent reaction among Britain’s newspapers when confronted by their own scandals.”

Journalists, public relations heavyweights and reputation management companies will debate the appropriate next step for restoring the BBC’s trust and credibility.  What do you think the BBC should do next?